Sunday, May 14, 2017

Saturday, May 13, 2017

PKT Logistic Visit (President's Chat)

PKT Logistics Group Sdn Bhd
A logistic company located near Jalan Kebun, Shah Alam
frequently pass by this company
as I stay near to it. 
But I never thought before that
 there is chance to visit this company at all

On 14 Apr 2017
I visited this company
together with my colleagues
on an occasion of President's chat

Before the chat
we had chance to visit over the ALC college
and PKT Logistics office as well

View from the top of ALC college's lighthouse campus

The top of the lighthouse campus

There is Skydeck Honesty Bar
Where people pay the products on their honesty

There is Sky Gym at Level 14

And Sky Spa at Level 13
Employees got rewarded for the spa for good performance

In their office

There are cafes,
where employees can visit them at any time

There's also well designed break area

We were enjoying our lunch there

Next, of course will be our main topic today.
What we have discussed? Hmm...
Confidential. Haha!