Subject Matter Expert (SME)
Automation - eCIM & CIMitar
From left: Nurhidayati, Pei Chai, Idris, Masturah
Firstly, of course would like to thank to my superior
Mr. Khairi John
For granting me as the SME trainer
for Automation - eCIM & CIMitar topic
It was tough at the beginning
To prepare the training material
Although many materials are already available
Time needed to compile all those information
To become a comprehensive training material
Many days after work
I stayed at the office
Compiling all the information
Preparing the slides and report flow
In order to get the material done
It was really a tiring progress
As still have to take care of family
Besides the daily heavy jobs
After about a month of preparation
The training material has finally done
Engaged with HR on the training date
As well as the attendees
Finally on the training day
The training was given successfully
Although many didn't turned up the training
Everything is going smooth
The timing is going well
Just maybe the class is not fun enough
Another milestone achieved
as I completed my first class as a trainer
on 22 Nov 2022
A new skill is learned
Not only as engineer
But as a trainer as well
There are many things to improve
Including the training skill
And also to make the class more reactive and fun
Nothing is perfect at the first try
But I believe my effort delivers
Looking forward to do better in coming classes